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Love, love, love books!

Dreams Come True

Without too much hesitation Amanda turned what could have been a very dull and boring show into an extravaganza.

David didn’t realize, but that is exactly what would happen to his life. The extravaganza was about to begin.

David had to thank Amanda for the way she had saved the children’s concert. Only that wasn’t his only intention. He knew nothing about her and had never met her before. The feelings and emotions that she had stirred up on first sight made David realize that love at first sight was real. It did exist. He couldn’t let her slip through his fingers. He had to do something.

Their late night coffee date turned a little sour. Amanda was not an easy target or a push over. Their meeting did lead to their first date the following day. Amanda was drawn to David. She had also felt the emotions. They connected in every way possible. Neither David nor Amanda left things to chance. They were both direct and to the point. Their intentions were very clear. Their lives were about to change.

Source: http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-Come-True-Bridgitte-Lesley-ebook/dp/B00JH8M38I/ref=la_B00H6UOK12_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1417503030&sr=1-3